Saturday 30 July 2022

Post Office (am) and a walk to North Quay and back (pm), Worcester: Friday, 29th July, 2022.


Couple of things posted.
We'll feel a lot happier when this fella manages 
to grow some new head feathers. 
Seeds for the birds.
Busy Bee.
Two hungry mallards heading for The Jetty.
Feeding four female mallards.
No sign of the one with two ducklings tho'.
One for sorrow.
On Pitchcroft.
Outward bound.
Worcester Cathedral and friends.
The Gheluvelt Park swan family is at the 
southern end of its territory today.
We've had nowt to eat all day!
One day they wont be hungry.
Cygnet close-up.
Almost under Sabrina Bridge.
River boat performing a three-point-turn.
The North Quay cygnets are on the way.
Almost as far north as Sabrina Bridge.
Mum (second from right) is far-far away, doing 
the usual near Bridge Street.
The North Quay cygnets are about two weeks younger 
than the Gheluvelt Park cygnets.
Narrow boat.
Cygnet close-up II.
Narrow boat II.
Narrow boat III.
Mum eventually arrives but......
........soon departs.
So the cygnets get the last of today's food pellets.
Narrow boat IV.
On Pitchcroft.
Homeward bound.
Grey, still and horribly humid downstream.
Grey, still and horribly humid upstream.

Friday 29 July 2022

Red Hill (am), and a walk to North Quay and back (pm), Worcester: Thursday, 28th July, 2022.


Wiping the trolley down.
Going in.
Well in.
Was singing quietly.
Not singing now.
One of Gheluvelt Park's top preditors?
Not with a bell on its collar.
Damsel Fly.
Busy Bee.
The hand that feeds.
The ducklings are almost fully grown now.
On Pitchcroft.
Outward bound.
Worcester Cathedral and friends.
Almost under Sabrina Bridge.
Mrs Swan is defending her territory as per.
Feeding Mrs Swan, her four cygnets, a mallard, and a gull.
Two foolhardy swans decide to try their luck.
Mrs Swan's having none of it.
Cygnets, oblivious to the drama, continue to scoff.
On Pitchcroft.
Homeward bound.
Grey, humid, with no breeze to speak of downstream.
Gheluvelt swans heading for The Jetty 
and Kath and Tony's tea-time food.
They know the routine.
Grey, humid, with no breeze to speak of upstream.