Wednesday 30 December 2009

Evesham Cats Protection, Sunday 27th December, 2009.

(1) Long-Term Resident singularly fails to encapsulate spirit of Xmas Present despite surroundings.

(2) Tinsel and Derrick make a connection.

(3) Betty is as blind as a bat which makes her utterly irresistible, of course.

Batsford Arboretum, Boxing Day (26th December), 2009.

(1) We've headed down into the deep south today (well, The Cotswolds) in search of the White Stuff. The Cotwolds are impassible, says BBC Weather in that way of theirs. But when we get down to Batsford, there's not that much more than up in the grim north of Worcester.

(2) Yay! Says David. There must be nearly an inch here!

(3) Batsford Church and another chance for a nose around inside the warmth of one of God's houses.

(4) Howard bemoans the lack of snow 'round the back.

(5) A gate leading to a frozen waterfall? What's the point of that? Makes for a nice photo tho'.

Christmas Day, (25th December) 2009.

A swift walk down to the park to burn off some calories after breakfast and before din-dins. But what's this? There's been a thaw and most of yesterday's snow has gone? Boo!

At least David and Howard can take some consolation that there's some vestiges of snow clinging to the mud on the walk down to the river.

Thursday 24 December 2009

Thursday 24th December, 2009.

We're dreaming of a White Christmas and, although it is only Christmas Eve, we might be in luck this year after a light flurry of snow fell yesterday evening.

This is our first snow of the winter. We already had a layer of ice, now we've got some snow on top of that, and frost on top of that. So, it's not as bad as most other parts of the UK, but it's a chance to venture out with our snow boots on.

Gheluvelt Park is almost snow-bound. Note the lack of other people out and about. All doing last minute shopping, visiting rellies, or at home getting everything ready for the big day, we presume. Some might still be at work, possibly.

The steep gradient of an ice-bound footbridge holds no fears for those walking in their snow boots (oh no).

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Tuesday 22nd December, 2009.

We aren't religious but we do like Cathedrals. It's the architectural scale. All those curves, arches and columns. So what better way to spend a Tuesday evening than at Worcester Cathedral for one of its carol services.

David felt a shiver down his spine as the lone voice of a young chorister began the first lines of Once In Royal David's City. Spine-tingling stuff. It reminded him of when he was a first year pupil at Icknield High School and the ruddy music teacher singled him out, to the amusement of his mates, for that very same duty at the School's Christmas Service. Nerve wracking it was but, to this day, he reckons he got away with it.

Of course, just months later his voice had broken and he was swiftly relegated to the percussion scrapheap to play the triangle or, if he was lucky, the tambourine.

Such is life.

Monday 21 December 2009

Evesham Dogs Trust, Sunday 20th December, 2009.

We haven't been dog walking for some time. Since before we went on holiday in September, in fact. So it was about time we went again.

This young man with Vicky is Spud. Here he is having his midday walk. Little did we know that he had already had his midday walk with one of the other walkers. Funny how he didn't mention that, eh?

This is Rosie. She's already found a new owner but can't leave the DT yet on account of having got a nasty tummy bug.
Should Vic be sitting that close to Rosie's rear end in that case? Probably not.

Worcester, Saturday 19th December, 2009.

Now, here's a strange thing. At first glance they looked like a bunch of morris dancers innocently entertaining the shoppers in the High Street on the last Saturday before Xmas.
But, upon closer inspection, there were no wimmin and the blokes had blacked-up faces. Hmm, in these politically correct times?
No doubt, someone out there will confirm that there has been a long tradition in England of this sort of thing and that they are not morris dancers but mummers, or somesuch. But, until then.......

Thursday 10 December 2009

Thursday 10th December, 2009.

If you know anyone from Wales who has recently lost a red hulled plastic dingy, would you please let them know that it is safe and sound here in sunny Worcester. Thank you.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Redditch MCC Terry Cups Christmas Pudding Trial, S E Davis and Sons, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Sunday 6th December, 2009.

1) Whoah. Now that's gotta hurt.

For spectators, it's a question of standing around in the mud and trying to keep warm.

A picture of concentration.

Two avid Trials fans (yesterday).

5) The end of the section is in sight. My first 'clean' of the day. Nothing can wrong now....................
6) .

Friday 4 December 2009

Friday 4th December, 2009.

1) OK, who's pulled the plug out?

2) Although the river has dropped the finishing straight remains sodden-to-sploshy.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Thursday 3rd December, 2009.

During the recent floods in Cumbria the 24 Hour News programmes often reported that many bridges had collapsed due to the scouring effects of water-borne debris upon the foundations.
Couldn't happen here in Worcester, obviously.
Well it better not, 'cos Vicky and I will be travelling across this one twice this evening.

Monday 30 November 2009

Monday 30 November, 2009.

Incredible. David thought the River would have dropped since last week, but it appears not. Just how much rain has Wales had this autumn?

It's cold. This means a chap has to wear his winter coat and woolly cap. Ghastly.

The far bank has been raised several feet at vast expense over the past year or so. Which might explain why there's so much water on the racecourse at the moment. Well, it's got to go somewhere.

Evesham Cats Protection, Sunday 29th November, 2009.

My Mummy says that this really comfy place is only for pooing in but I say it's my bed and I found it first.

I can't see you so you can't see me, right?

Birmingham, Saturday 28 November, 2009.

First things first. After parking up we head for Birmingham Cathedral where they serve the best cup of tea (50p with a free biccie) in town. Today, we get the added bonus of the choir rehearsing for this afternoon's Evensong Service.

It's that time of year when, with Xmas still weeks away and the decs all in place, the German Market (bigger than ever) comes to town. Here Vic is refusing to encourage young men intent on getting warm on ice-cold flagons of foaming German lager. Quite right too.

Don't buy. Just look.

Watching the gallopers galloping on the Galloper.

Unwary shopper attacked by swarm of killer-decs shock!

Friday 27 November 2009

Friday 27th November, 2009.

No way back home along the River today unless you own a kayak.

So let's see what's going on to the south of here.

Wales not only sends us its water, it also sends us its trees, plastic, mattresses and other detritus, it would seem.

This is as far as you can walk along here.

Still some nice 'autumnals' around - albeit, they are under water.

Oh no. Our favourite New Road seats by the scoreboard are under water.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Thursday 26th November, 2009.

David is excited. For the first time since we moved to Worcester, some four years and one month ago, he has timed a daily constitutional with the slow-motion 'moment' when the Severn is in the process of flooding. Usually, he is too early or too late. This is the view downstream of the usual spot (see previous blogs).

This is the view from the usual spot.

Here, the River is flowing up the footpath.

And here as well.

The footpath is completely under water here.
If you look really closely through the ground floor window of the house over yonder you can just about make out a chap frantically searching for that Insurance Policy Renewal Form he meant to fill out and send off the other week.

Still, they've got plenty of boats should they need to make a retreat.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Tuesday 24 November, 2009.

Firstly, apologies for the camera shake. My excuse is that it was gone four o'clock, it was raining, and the light was fading fast. I should have taken more shots at different settings, eh?
Anyway, the Environmental Agency reckons the River will peak sometime tomorrow. But, as you can see, the level has dropped slightly since yesterday lunchtime. This means that either the EA has got its calculations wrong or there is still loads of Welsh rain to come through yet.
We drove from Worcester to Kidderminster this morning and there was some flooding just a few miles north of here. So, who knows.

Monday 23 November 2009

Monday 23 November, 2009.

Three days later and the River is still rising. So David can still stand here and there's no need for Sky or the Beeb to send out any OB Units just yet. Having said that, parts of the racecourse are under water so the River may have flooded over the weekend.
At least it's a long meandering river. Not like those short ones in Cumbria which fill up quickly, overflow and cause chaos, then recede just as quickly.
Ours lulls us into a false sense of security and then sneaks up on us. It's dastardly, like that.

Friday 20 November 2009

Friday 20 November, 2009.

The River Severn is rising. It's been gradually doing so for the past two weeks. Wales has been getting lots of heavy rain and, according to David who walks along this stretch most days, the river has risen about five feet in two or three weeks.
The Council have been doing some small-scale footpath improvements which are already under threat of innundation.

The forecast for this weekend is for more rain (especially in Wales). It will be interesting to see how high the River will be next week. May not be able to stand here at all. And it's only November.