Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Final Frontier, Worcester, 31st December, 2013.

Emlyn has lived here with us for three and a half years now and it's taken him that long to feel comfortable in our office/junk room (aka the second bedroom). That's real progress!
Nice compression socks Vic, by the way.

Monday 30 December 2013

Worcester, Sunday, 29th December, 2013.

Poor Vicky. Not recovered by any means from her surgery and made to walk all the way to the River (and back) despite her sore tumby and certainly in no mood to smile for a 'selfie' (oh no).

Friday 27 December 2013

Worcester, Friday, 27th December, 2013.

Kayakers kayaking in their kayaks around Worcester Racecourse.
Meanwhile, back at HQ, Emlyn receives a grooming from somebody recuperating and who shouldn't be bending down (even when sitting) to give Emlyn a grooming.

'Yeh, go on Mum, right there, that's it.'

Thursday 26 December 2013

Christmas Day, 2013.

It's everyone's duty at Xmas to keep capitalism going by always discarding the olde and embracing the new. So, it's out with the slot cars and in with a non-digital battery powered train set.
Verdict? Goes like the clappers but the handling leaves a lot to be desired.
Vicky is recuperating from her recent surgery so does not wish to have her photo taken today, thank you. So Emlyn's job is to act as a barrier between lens and subject at all times whilst she instructs David on the black arts of cooking a splendiferous Christmas dinner.
The stuffing is standing and the veggos are ready for chopping.
The Chef creates some chicken-sausage meat and turkey-bacon rolls.
The sounds and smells of cooking are a constant source of fascination (not to mention torture).
If my legs looked like those I wouldn't show 'em off, no way!
Things have gone well so far but David is in need of a power nap prior to the climatic intensity of 'serving it all up'.

All-in-all, it went pretty well, all things considered. 
Not as good as one of Vicky's but ok for a first attempt.

Vicky gave it a 19/20. Emlyn scored it 20/20. He particularly liked his bacon and stuffing on a ocean of gravy.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Worcester, Tuesday 24th December, 2013.

This photo was taken from roughly the same spot as the one of the rowers 
in their Xmas hats in our last blog.
Just shows how much rain has fallen over the past few days.
The river must have risen by 10' since then.

Wednesday 18 December 2013