Tuesday 26 April 2011

Red Marley Classic Trial, Great Witley, Sunday 24th April, 2011.

1) Vicky and Howard settle down for a touch of solid Classic Trials-watching. But something's bugging them? Just what should an olde chap (or chap-ess, for that matter) wear on his/her bonce when out and about getting some crucial practice in for the upcoming Scottish Six Day Trial?

2) Option one: The no-helmet-at-all-but-I'm-wearin'-some-kitchen-gloves look.

3) Option two: the-gloves-and-flat-cap look.

4) Option three: The-full-gear-for-the-safety-conscious-rider look.

5) Or Option four, the-no-use-nor-ornament-just-because-I-can look.

6) A fungi amongst all the fun-guys?

7) A veritable carpet of bluebells. So, why aren't they called violet bells?

8) Everything is just about ready for tomorrows freak hill climb. We won't be coming, we've got visitors.

St George's Day Celebrations, Birmingham, Saturday 23rd April, 2011.

1) Things are not starting well for Vicky. Bev Bevan is on stage with Jenny Wilkes and he's waxing lyrical about the days when he played in a band that toured with the Beatles. Worse than that - he was the drummer in The Electric Light Orchestra: and there's only one band Vicky hates more than ELO........................

2) .............................and here they are! The Fab Beatles. One of countless million Beatle-Tribute Bands knocking around the planet. Dave thinks they're alright (he would), although he was unaware of their little-known Territorial Army period before today. We're both agreed on one thing: they sound better the further you get away from the stage.

3) Howard and Dave have guided Vicky away from that 'appalling nasal cacophony' and she's found some quietude in a balmy corner. Dave looks as tho' he still needs more time to recover from being transported back to the heady daze of the '60's yet.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Evesham Cat Protection, Sunday 17th April, 2011.

1) The beautiful spring weather brings the best out of us all, and Pandora is no exception. We've never seen her venturing outside before. Breakfast in the sun? I'll have some of that!

2) With tummy full, Pandora takes to the high ground.

3) Yes, I'm about to settle down for a nice doze. Now, kindly leave me alone.

4) Aha! So now we know who is to blame for all the appalling names.

5) It was too cool in the shade. Yer can't beat a little bit of sunshine on yer back, that's what I say.

6) Derek's thumb gives a clue to the size of this 36 hour old kitten. It's mother abandoned her and all her brothers and sisters (it is the only survivor) and it's life now hangs in the balance. Fingers crossed, eh?

7) With all chores completed, Vicky takes the time to have 'a love' with Elsie before home time.

Monday 18 April 2011

Silverstone, Saturday 16th April, 2011.

1) David is happy, yet worried. Vicky has got hold of the SLR and he's not quite sure if he will ever get it back. Oh well, at least he can look forward to many quirky jaunty-angle paddock shots.

2) Lotus racing teams are a bit like crows it would seem. Always nipping into a rivals nest and nicking their twigs.

3) We arrive at the inside of Copse Corner only to find that someone has nicked our favourite grandstand. Thus forcing us to stand and watch. Appalling. Must be all part of the ongoing re-vamp of spectator facilities in time for the car GP.

4) Talking of which: this is the new almost-but-not-quite-finished Silverstone Wing complex. The pit lane entry will follow the line where the diggers are. And, yes, they are working on it on a Saturday.

5) F2 Chaos at the Club Corner chicane-thingy. It would seem these F2 drivers still have a lot to learn. Mind you, one of them is managing to stay on-track and pointing in the right direction, so it's not all bad.

6) Will Bratt came second in the F2 race. Here he lights up the rear wing of his Williams (they are all made by Williams) at Chapel Curve.

7) The Mini Challenge cars are quite slow yet quite interesting. Curious. This is at Brooklands Corner, by the way.

8) We finish the day at Luffield watching the GT's in the wonderful spring sunshine. You don't get many days like this at Silverstone!

9) After the meeting has ended we meet up with Sue and Billy for the now-traditional April rendezvous catch-up at the Green Man.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Monday, 11th April, 2011.

Vicky is not usually at home on a weekday lunchtime but today is the exception as she is working from home. It's been an eye-opener for her and she has learnt three appalling facts about what goes on when she is at work.

a) David eats his sammidges ON THE BED whilst watching 'House' on Channel 5. b) Emlyn is nowt more than a rotten bully and c) David doesn't use a plate - he says it saves on the washing-up.

What Vicky still doesn't know, however, is that Emlyn always gets a little lick of David's Ainsley Harriott Chicken soup!

Evesham Dogs Trust, Saturday 9th April, 2011.

1) We haven't been dog walking since we adopted Emlyn last July. Dunno why really. But there you go. But on a lovely spring day like this it seems churlish not to do it. First up, may we introduce Patch. He's a chap between 8 and 10 years. 2) This is Bobs. No, not Bob, Bobs. Not sure what he is but we do know he's the sweetest natured dog we have ever walked. 3) Buzz poses with Dave. Both Buzz and Vicky have spotted that David has torn the crotch of his dog-walking shorts but neither feel the need to mention it. Far funnier to have a quiet laugh at the old boy's expense, evidently. 4) That'll teach Vicky not to tell Dave about the rip in his shorts.

Monkey Forest, Thursday 7th April, 2011.

Of all the world's romantic places Vicky could have chosen to go on her birthday, Stoke would not have been a first guess. But here we are at Monkey Forest, Trentham Gardens, for a chance to interact (sort of) with the three troupes of Barbary Macaques that live here. Not to mention the squizzies and nuthatches. 'Squizzies and nuthatches'? We said not to mention that!

Back in Worcester, and after a quick change, we walk into town for a birthday meal at Pizza Express. We know how to live. Very nice it was too.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Upton Snodsbury, Saturday 2nd April, 2011.

1) When Vicky drives across country to the Stratford office at this time of year she drives past many fields filled with flocks of sheep with their lambs. Normally, she doesn't have time to stop and stare so, today, it's rather nice to be able to linger and gawp. Here she's a tad excited and has got a bit of a trot on.

2) The money shot!

3) We're off! We're not here to be stared at all day.

4) Typical. Just as we get 'em in focus, they run away.

5) Vicky is, funnily enough, reluctant to get back in the car and go to Morrisons to do the weekly shop.