Saturday 28 November 2020

Walk to the river, along it, and back, Worcester: Friday, 27th November, 2020.


Vicky's breakfast.
Porridge with nuts and seeds.
Orange juice.
Misty downstream.
Misty upstream.
Parrot in The Park.
It's a cowin' noisy one an' all.
Misty river.
Who's nicked our cathedral?
Wintry sun.
On Pitchcroft.
Not much progress at 'Sabrina Bridge'.
Treecreeper with its head in a hole.
It's found summat.
I've been in the river and I've gorra stick.
Wren with summat in it's gob.
not a cityscape.
Robin catching a few moments of rays.
Don't be fooled, the sun only came out for a few minutes.
He's not been well. Visited the vets a few times.
But he's back out and about today.
Unfortunately, he's just seen a dog so 
he's not up for a chat right at this minute.
Ah well, always good to see him.

Friday 27 November 2020

Same walk as yesterday, only slightly later, Worcester: Thursday, 26th November, 2020.


Three birhday cards posted.
No swans around today.
Mist forming over the river.
Moon rising.
You take the photo Dave, 
I'll just have a little kip.
Moon still rising.
Looking south across the racecourse.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Walk to the post office (am), and a walk to the river, along it, and back (pm), Worcester: Wednesday, 25th November, 2020.


Mask on and no queue!
Ready for my close up.
Unfortunately, the chap with the camera isn't.
That's better.
No swans to be seen.
In-out. In-out.
A bit Gothic.
Moon rising.
On Pitchcroft.
Mute swan (in flight), 
human (walking).
One for sorrow, 
two for joy.
Moon rising higher.
If these people turned around and took a photo of us, 
would we also be up to our knees in mist?
Very philosophical.
Robin plays peek-a-boo.
View across the racecourse.
Two swans by the jetty.
Two swans responding.
Better feed 'em then.
Quick chat with a local.
Red at night, shepherds delight.