Friday 31 May 2024

Gheluvelt Park, Pitchcroft, worcester, & The Malverns: Saturday, 25th - Thursday, 30th May, 2024.

And half a walnut for you.
Swans on the river have five cygnets.
Makes up for the Gheluvelts lack of success.
Blue Tit.
Still trying to persuade its chicks to fledge.
On his favourite car.
Its not his car but it is his favourite.
Full meeting of THAwAS.
And half a walnut for you II.

In the elements.
Swans have lost two cygnets overnight.
Mum with two ducklings.
Skyscape II.
The view to the north and east from up here.
The view to the west and the north from up here.
On Mum's back.
Grey Heron.
On The Pond.
And busy avoiding all the swan-bissy.
You don't wanna step in that.
Chatty local.
Just the one duckling today.
Narrow Boat.
remaining three cygnets 
are all safe and well.
Skyscape III.
Got my eye on summat down here.
Full meeting of THAwAS II.
Swans have lost another cygnet overnight.
Skyscape IV.
Under Sabrina Bridge.

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