Sunday 26 May 2024

Gheluvelt Park, Pitchcroft, and worcester city centre: Saturday, 18th - Friday, 24th May, 2024.


Blue Tit:
exiting nest hole.
Full meeting of THAwAS.
Blue Tit:
entering nest box and.......
.......exiting it.
at the opening to its nest cavity.
Both Blue Tit parents at the nest hole.
Cajoling chicks to fledge.
Chicks not listening, staying put.
Mrs Gheluvelt:
wondering if her eggs will ever hatch.
Very doubtful.
Blue Tit parent.
Calling to its chicks.
Chicks not listening.
Skyscape II.
Swan on the river with five cygnets.
I'm worn out with all this feeding chicks malarky.
Treecreeper with morsel 
about to enter nest cavity.
Skyscape III.
Swans with no sign of their five cygnets.
Hopefully, they're under their wings.
Gheluvelt swan nest is empty.
Unfertilised eggs have been removed.
Mrs Gheluvelt is ravenous after her weeks of vigil.
A snails pace.
It's raining.
Grey Heron.
In flight.
Treecreeper with another meal 
for those waiting within.
Skyscape IV.
All five cygnets are safe and well.
A photo to send in an update for Marilyn.
Gold Finch:
with nesting material.
Smokey Joe.
And half a walnut for you.
Surely you don't expect me to 
believe that you are all 
fully paid-up members?
Skyscape V.
Under Sabrina Bridge.
Colston Bakery Cafe Deco:
Darjeeling Tea,
Tuna Mayo sammidge on Granary,
salad and crisps.
Decaf Tea,
Bowl of Broccoli and Stilton Soup,
Coronation Chicken sammidge on Granary,
salad and crisps.
Two chatty locals.

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