Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Pershore Plum Festival (motoring nostalgia bit, Pt II), Monday 29th August, 2011.

Vic's Uncle Stan had a Jag like this. It's most memorable feature was the little tables that folded down - a la aircraft seats - in the back. Something that obviously impressed a very young Vicky back then. We would have taken a photo of them to prove it but a small child was wrapped up warm and fast asleep on the back seat.

Everyone has fond memories of the Mini, don't they? I know I do. Richard had one. Like his, these ones come complete with a plastic cord-thingy on the inside of the doors to open them with. But this car's are a bit posher in that the cord has a thicker 'handle' section in the middle. Not sure I remember that. We think the owner must have customised the cord on account of their poncy hands.

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