Saturday, 6 August 2011

Howard's Pit Lane Walk II, WSBK, Silverstone, Saturday 30th July, 2011.

1) I'm sat at this table next to Leon Haslam in case somebody requires my autograph. It's only a matter of time.

2) Ah, yes. A nice shot of Leon only spoilt by that bloke of a certain age in a certain type of baseball cap taking a shot of the back of Leon's head. I had a chat with the bloke afterwards and he told me he's been taking shots of the back of Leon's head since the 1980's. I'm too young to be interested, obviously.

3) New Pit Lane features actual manicured grass. Nice for a Bright Green Christmas Reindeer to graze on. Thanks Mr Silverstone.

4) Howard's been told by a jobsworth to keep off the grass or else.

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