1) Firstly we called in at the Cats Protection Office to register
Huw and confirm his adoption. It would have been straight forward except we have decided that Emlyn is a better name for him. So, from now on, he will be Emlyn aka
Huw. Any road up, this is Tango. Yet another Irish stray for the Dogs Trust to
re-home. It rather begs the question: do all the English strays end up in Ireland? Dunno. He is a lovely boy but suffers, evidently, with the
squits. Stressed, probably. So we kept our distance but, thankfully, nothing of a '
squitsy' nature was expelled from his body during our time in his company.

2) This is Jeff. A very sweet natured and well-behaved puppy who engaged us with his winning playfulness. Then he did a seven foot poo! Just like that. Without warning. David is surprised he can still smile after having to clear that lot up. Nice (I'm eating a peanut butter sammidge as I type).