Sunday 14 July 2024

Gheluvelt Park, Pitchcroft, and worcester city centre: Sunday, 7th - Friday, 12th July, 2024.

Bridge construction.
Four sub-adult Starlings.
ray smeeting.
Skyscape II.
Smokey Joe.
Full meeting of TSADFPAS.
Consumers every one.
Bridge construction II.
Brightening up a grey day.
Hard worker.
Grey Heron.
On The Pond.
Bridge construction III.
Skyscape III.
Full meeting of THAwAS.
And half a walnut for you.
Bridge construction IV.
A lovely view upstream spoilt forever.
Skyscape IV.
Grey Heron.
Above the river.
Feeding the river-swans and 'friends'.
Feeding The Gheluvelts.
Feeding the river swans and 'friends' II.
Skyscape V.
Gill, Kath, Tilly and Vicky.
Narrow Boat.
Under Sabrina Bridge.
Colston Bakery Cafe Deco:
Darjeeling Tea,
Granary Cob with butter,
Lardy Cake.
Decaf Tea,
Chicken and Bacon sammidge on Granary,
Coleslaw and crisps,
Broccoli Soup.
Dog in window watching three chatty locals.

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