Saturday 10 June 2023

Gheluvelt Park and Pitchcroft, Worcester: Wednesday, 7th & Thursday, 8th June, 2023.


A full meeting of THAWAS.
Goldcrest fledgling.
One of about six furry-headed little-uns flitting about and 
chatting just above our heads.
Blue Tit parent.
Becoming more and more disheveled by the hour.
Making yet another delivery.
Gheluvelt Junior.
Now at the tiny-wings-huge-ass stage.
Feeding a lone swan.
With a juicy and sustaining collection.
Blue Tit parent.
Leaving the nest.
The Gheluvelts.
On The Brook.
With Mallards for company.
Crimson, green and pink.
House Martin parent and a chick.
Unless it's another parent.
Skyscape II.
Yoda, Vicky and Pixie.
Blue Tit parent.
Tempts chicks with food.
Not ready to come out yet me.
Mrs Gheluvelt and Junior.
About to skidaddle.
With catapillar and all-sorts.

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