Tuesday 18 April 2023

Gheluvelt Park and Pitchcroft, Worcester: 17th April, 2023.


A full meeting of THAWAS.
Green, blue, and purple.
Mr Gheluvelt.
Near the nest.
Not on it.
The full meeting of THAWAS has moved along a few metres.
On a railing.
Table for one.
Feeding some Mallards, a pigeon, and a squizz.
Apple and seeds for the birds.
Overcast and mild upstream.
Overcast and mild downstream.
Feeding a Mallard and a swan, whilst.......
.......on the bank above, it's partner has laid 
a single egg inside a rudimentary nest.
Something tells us this pair of swans are inexperienced.
Just a hunch.
Texting Marilyn.
Blue Tit.
Almost under Sabrina Bridge.
A long way from home.
Seeds for the birds.
Second serving.
Bridge construction.
Texting Marilyn II.

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