Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Severn peaks (for now), Worcester, Tuesday, 5th January, 2016.

Midday-ish and we've walked into town along the main road to see what the river's doing from a different perspective (well, from different places).
This is the view looking south from the Bridge Street bridge.
The swans on South Quay are indifferent to their close-up.
A swans-eye view (sort of) of the Bridge Street bridge.
Plenty of space under the arches as long as you are not trying to navigate under them in a boat.
Detritus build-up under the bridge to its north side.
Two nests, and five cormorants, up a tree on the west bank of the river.
Another riverside walk (North Parade) under water.
Riverside cafe is open even if the riverside walkway isn't.
Wot? No kayakers?
Looking northwards over the racecourse - our normal route home.
A robin surveys the flooded racecourse.
We also saw a siskin but you'll have to take our word for it 'cos it was too small and quick to get a photo of it.
That's the second siskin we've seen over this past two weeks having never seen one in Worcester before (we used to see loads in N. Warks). Wonder what that's all about.

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