Tuesday 27 August 2013

Somerset Lavender Farm, Faulkland, Monday, 26th August, 2013.

Taking to the roads of England on a sunny Bank Holiday Monday? It's lunacy! 
Still, at least we have a new-fangled sat-nav-app thingy on Vicky's iPad to try out if the Motorways get jammed up on the way. 
It sent us to Faulkland via a 'scenic route' thru' Bath which included a little stone toll bridge that cost 60p and we only took a wrong turn twice! Then, on the way back, it lost the 'signal' a couple of times so we ended up coming back via a different 'scenic route' through Bath that we made up as we went along (as you do). 
We're so modern.
Howard and some lavender.
David (now with a tummy full of a ploughman's and apple pickle) and a lot of lavender.
Vicky on the edge of some lavender.
Vicky loves her dry stone walls.
A flutterbye on some lavender.
Lavender coloured but not lavender.
Buzzin' busy-bee on something else that's lavender coloured but isn't lavender (unless lavender comes in more varieties than we realise. I mean, we're not experts or anything).
Even the flies are beautiful in these 'ere parts.
If we were in Australia this would be a tourist attraction called 'The Big Cabbage'. 
But we aren't, so it isn't. 
One sunflower past it's best and two still blooming.
David's tummy gurgling at the thought of more apple, happily not recorded here.
A cool cranberry juice in Tetbury helps Vicky recover from the trials and tribulations of the iPad satnav app-thingy. David went for the risotto washed down with copious amounts of tea option. We are already feeling much better.
Tetbury (yesterday).
Now then, let's set off a voyage of discovery as the satnav app-thingy takes us back to the M5 via the back roads and home to Emlyn.

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