We've brought Derek and Anne to Birmingham today (they've never been before) 'cos that fine olde British tradition has come 'round again: that's right, Chinese New Year. Here we are outside the Art Gallery and Museum, home of The Staffordshire Hoard, which they are going to visit on another trip soon. They're getting the lie of the land, that sort of thing.

Enter The Dragon: appropriate, 'cos it is the Year Of The Dragon.

Exit The Dragon. Like entering, only in a different direction.

Birmingham: where even pedestrian underpasses are like fantasy worlds.

Dog: gorrany sausages?
Anne: nope.
Dog: you can't come on 'ere then.

Passing under Broad Street.

Who's gonna tell Anne and Vicky that they look a bit like two blokes (ahem) relieving themselves just after closing time? Not Derek or Dave, that's for sure.
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