Monday, 25 October 2010

Batsford Arboretum, Wednesday 20th October, 2010.

1) We're come here today in search of some of 'yer autumnals'.

Close, but no cigar.
3) If David drones on about the 'contrasty light' one more time I swear I'll chuck him off this footbridge.

4) A veritable carpet of 'autumnals': albeit 'fallen'.

5) Ruddy fungi-thingies. Growing at ground level. Forcing a bloke who's no longer young to bend down to take a photo. Oh, my poor back.

6) The Holy Grail for 'autumnal' spotters?
7) Oh, very Christmassy.

8) The rear of Batsford House from 'round behind the bins. You don't get to view the frontage unless you've had a Royal Invite or somesuch.

9) A local villager about to get a fuss whether it wants one or not.

10) Where's that cat gone? I only gave it a bit of a fuss.
11) This is as close as one can get to the frontage of the Batsford House without that all-important Invite.

12) Don't come any closer or we'll b*gg*r off!

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